Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Handling Road Rage

Road rage is a very extreme example of unsafe driving behavior. Drivers usually experience frustration behind the wheel due to traffic or road conditions. Aggressive driving causes 66% percent of all accidents in Florida. It is important to always remember to keep your cool when driving especially if another driver is pushing your buttons.
Here are some tips that may help you avoid road rage or someone who has road rage:

1.Be calm
You gain nothing from engaging in aggressive behavior with another driver. It is always better to be the bigger person. There’s no prize if the aggressive driver does get ahead on the road. If the aggressive driver does continue to threat you, someone in your car can call the police and report it.

2. Use your horn
The car horn is there purposely to warn other drivers who may not be able to see you or avoiding an accident. The horn isn’t supposed to be used unnecessarily so when properly needed don’t be afraid to actually use it.

3. Move over
Nobody likes driving with someone tailgating him or her along the way. If someone is driving closely behind you, just move over. They’ll try and get right on your bumper to try and make you go faster. Don’t encourage their bad habits by doing so. In addition you shouldn’t brake quickly to try and cause and accidents or getting the driver slow down because that’s just adding risk for both of you.
In addition, Florida is currently trying to pass Bill 203 “Anti-Road Rage Act.” In a nutshell the bill is aimed to stop slower drivers from driving on the left lane at all times. Drivers who are traveling at less than the normal speed are to travel in the right-hand lane or as close to the right hand curb.

Hopefully these helpful tips will avoid you from accidents and handling drivers with road rage.

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